Ordinance 2040

Tehama County’s current anti-cannabis ordinance.

Quick Zoning Reference Guide

Tehama County’s current zoning categories. 

Proposed County Rezone Ordinance 11/30/17

This document is a masterpiece of local cannabis planning that complies fully with California Zoning Codes. It can be customized for use in any city or county, with slight modifications based on local zoning conditions. This was drafted by a dedicated team of local activists with experience in cannabis law, local planning, zoning codes and CQA requirements. Feel free to use it and to share.

Rezone Application

This is our actual Re-Zone Application. We petitioned for a re-zone of all effected zoning districts under our proposed ordinance, and asked the County to hold public hearings to discuss our proposed ordinance and to consider replacing their anti-cannabis ordinance with ours.

Tehama County’s Response to Application

Tehama County Response Page 1

Tehama County Response Page 2

Tehama County Response Page 3

Tehama County Response Page 4

FCCC Response to County

Final Tehama County Response


2018-06-07 Planning Commission Full Agenda

This is the Planning Commission meeting we attended (the full agenda), and our Presentation to the Planning Commission. This process started with the Planning Department, moved up to the Board of Supervisors, and appealed to the Planning Commission.

It came as no surprise to any of us that the Planning Commission fell in lock step with their Supervisors, and made no efforts to independently review our appeal. This was the only administrative appeal remaining to us in this process. The County abdicated their responsibilities at every turn, and never acquiesced to or refuted any of our legal points and authorities. They essentially created a joke out of the entire process. However, we followed through with this process for a few reasons. We wanted to learn how it was done, and to force the County government to at least play lip service to the public process, and to consider the needs of the entire community instead of the local oligarchy. We also wanted to exhaust the administrative remedies, effectively on behalf of the entire county population, so that anyone negatively impacted by the County’s reckless abatement program can site our Proposed Rezone Application as grounds to have legal standing in Civil Court. And we wanted to share this with the public, so that people in other jurisdictions might benefit from our work, and attempt similar actions in their own communities.

2018-06-07 Presentation


Cannabis Liberation League – California

When the Legal Cultivation or Possession of Cannabis is used to Target the People with Acts of Discrimination or Government Sanctions…

Who Will Stand Up For Your Consumer Rights?

Only by Allying Ourselves Together, Can We Hope to Defend Our Liberties!

Join Cannabis Liberation League – California Today!