Jason Browne Working For You!

Jason Browne Addresses Red Bluff City Council RE: Upcoming Commercial Cannabis Ordinance

Jason Browne has been very active in promoting sensible cannabis and hemp policies where he currently resides. He served on Tehama County’s Hemp Cultivation Committee and helped to draft it’s current Hemp Ordinance in 2020. He also assisted the City of Red Bluff’s Commercial Cannabis Committee with drafting language for its upcoming Commercial Cannabis Ordinance, and is continuing to assist the City Council as they draw closer to completing a final draft. The link below is of his most recent appearance at the Red Bluff City Council’s Special Meeting on August 24th 2021.

Jason’s primary role in both cases has been to educate local government officials about cannabis and hemp regulations, to prevent “reefer madness” policies from creeping into / complicating the ordinances, and to root out corrupting language to ensure that local interests take a front seat in negotiations about the final language for these ordinance drafts. Jason’s educational services have been 100% donated to the County and City, on behalf of all three of his primary endeavors: Cannabis Liberation League – California (www.cllca.org) ; Emerald Coast Holding Company / E.C.H.C. Inc. (www.emeraldcoastholding.com) ; and Full Circle Cannabis Consultations (www.fullcirclecannabis.com).


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